
Maroon & Gold Lily

Since first stepping foot on the University of Minnesota in 1999, I’ve never grown tired of visiting campus. It’s at once both familiar and new: a mix of collegiate memories and inevitable transformations over time. For me, it’s been a place of self-discovery, new friendships, bold ideas and learning. As a teen, I figured college is where you figure everything out. In reality, life slowly unfolds much like a lily, though instead of petals, it’s a series of unfolding choices and the decisions you make as you cross each bridge. One step at a time.

A view last year of the bridge during the winter.

June 6th, 2013|Nature|Comments Off on Maroon & Gold Lily

Sing Joy Spring

Robin eggs: A good sign that spring is finally here.

May 14th, 2013|Nature|Comments Off on Sing Joy Spring

Chief War Eagle

Chief War Eagle

Chief War Eagle Monument overlooks the tri-state area of Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota and offers a picturesque view of the confluence of the Sioux and Missouri rivers.

As a young man, War Eagle spent considerable time working among the white Americans. During the War of 1812, he carried messages for the U.S. government and worked among the native people to promote the cause of the United States against the British. He worked as a river guide on the upper Mississippi and also served as a messenger for the American Fur Company on the Missouri.

Two of his daughters, Dawn and Blazing Cloud, married Theophile Bruguier, a trader with the American Fur Company. They would establish the first white settlement in what would become Sioux City, Iowa.Point of South Dakota, where the Missouri River and Big Sioux River meet

January 2nd, 2013|Nature, People|Comments Off on Chief War Eagle



With this cardinal, the tables are turned on bird watching. This bird loves people watching. For the past five weeks, he’s tapped on my parent’s kitchen window from sunrise to sundown every 10 minutes or so when the bird sees someone sitting in the kitchen. The cardinal repeatedly taps on the window 3-4 times on each attempt to enter the house. He’s well fed so it’s not like he’s begging for food, yet he’s undeterred. Bird brain.

December 31st, 2012|Nature|Comments Off on Cardinal



December 29th, 2012|Nature|1 Comment


Pine and snow

With the weekend’s forecast, snow lovers in the Twin Cities will be pining for snow, no mo’.

December 28th, 2012|Nature|Comments Off on Pine

Pine cones


almost bought pine cones, that were brittle and broken on shelves in the store. But mom had found these, which fell free from the trees.

December 25th, 2012|Nature|2 Comments

Mallards at Centennial Park

Mallard ducks

Mallard Ducks 2

December 16th, 2012|Nature|1 Comment

Billy Goat


Before we left town, we made a quick stop to see my brother’s barn animals and also toured our family farm operations.

December 11th, 2012|Nature|1 Comment



This firewood is stacked and ready for the seasoning process.

November 29th, 2012|Nature|Comments Off on Firewood