I was hoping to photograph something sunny or yellow today, but no dice. Winter is finally here. Tonight, my friends and I celebrated the Chinese New Year with Thai food and Farkle. Thai because the Chinese restaurants we like are closed for the holiday, and who doesn’t love a good curry? (Not what I ate, but it sounded poetic.) You might think that Chinese checkers would be a more authentic game to play, but you’d be wrong. That game was created in Germany.
No sun today, but I’ve got sunflowers. I chatted with my Alaskan friend tonight, and I’d taken this photo during my visit last summer at Fairbanks’ Pioneer Park (formerly known as Alaskaland). Right now, -25 degrees is warm there. However bad the Midwest winter is, I know not to play the winter weather game with my friend Casey; after all, she always wins.
Nice bokeh with the Farkle, Joe!
Um, you might know more photography terminology than I do. I just twist the dials. I was hoping bokeh is a good thing. Now I finally know!! 🙂
My granddauters taught me how to play Farkle! Great game! Yes, bokeh is good. I’m obsessed with it.
[…] South Dakota. I was plenty early for a walleye fish fry and rhubarb pie with family. And a game of Farkle (Grandma won). Share this: Pin ItEmailPrintLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post. This […]
[…] I think we got a winner. (Luckily for everyone involved, it didn’t take as long as this sunflower in Alaska.) What a fun […]