My day began with my worst nightmare: I overslept the morning of a flight.
Something I’ve never done before. And by a whopping 105 minutes! I woke up at 7:45am for my 9:15am flight; I didn’t need a 5th alarm, no, I needed a low voltage electric shock to get out of bed today. It was questionable whether I’d make it, but I stepped up to the challenge. Luckily, I was already packed and my clothes were selected for the day. A sprinkle in the shower (literally), a stick of gum & a bottle of water, in under five minutes, I was out the door. I drove like a Chicagoan, rode the elevators like a New Yorker (waited for no one), and hopped on airport trams like a local Minnesotan.
May the Force be with me, I prayed. And it was. Miraculously, at the airport security checkpoint, there were only 2 people there, and I arrived at my gate with 30 minutes to spare.
Something I never want to do again.
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